Shopping Center Store Renovations

Shopping Center Store Front Build-Out and Renovation

Choosing to invest in renovating your shopping center store front location can affect perceptions of your business for years to come. From rejuvenating your stores interior flooring, to constructing a new partition walls, build-outs can transform your store’s environment into a welcoming place of business.

Max Tripodi, RCA’s general contractor, has 30+ years of experience in commercial build-outs, and can help you on your project from permitting to completion.

Common shopping center store front build-out and renovation work includes:

Plumbing & Windows

Adding windows to a retail location is a simple means of showcasing a business to the world. However, making alterations in window arrangements can compromise the integrity of a shopping center’s infrastructure.  Cutting into pre-existing walls for window openings and cutting into slab for new plumbing are two common, yet complicated, aspects of store build-outs in a shopping center.

RCA Contractors have extensive experience in coordinating with architects to incorporate new means of plumbing and window systems into shopping center locations. RCA’s general contractor will ensure that your window/plumbing systems meet your requests, while also reinforcing your business’s infrastructure.

Partition Walls

Unlike most exterior load-bearing walls, most interior walls serve no purpose other than to divide interior living space. Adding partition walls to a pre-existing location offers businesses the freedom to create more private rooms, or those that serve a different purpose, such as changing rooms or storage space. Because partition walls are non-load bearing, they have fewer building requirements.

However, there are still basic guidelines for wall framing procedures that a skilled general contractor, like Max Tripodi, should be aware of when determining the best method of incorporating additional walls into your business.

Lighting & Ceiling Options

Shop owners often underestimate the power of a proper lighting system in their commercial location. Choices in color scheme and lighting are huge influencers in whether customers enter retail locations. There are a variety of lighting and ceiling options that a landlord or tenant can consider while renovating their shopping center location.

Drop ceilings consist of a metal grid comprised of cross-tees and main runners. Panels, air vents, lights, and other components are placed within the ceilings. Drop ceilings are the easiest means for hiding the shopping center’s structure, suspension system, HVAC, and other equipment, while also providing adequate overhead lighting.

Flooring Options

When remodeling a retail space, not only is it imperative that a project increases a location’s aesthetic, but is also its accessibility. By making the right choice in something as simple as flooring, a shop owner can increase foot-traffic by enabling customers to shop in a way that is comfortable to them. When choosing between commercial flooring options, it is important that key factors such as budget, design, foot-traffic, and maintenance are highly considered. Common flooring materials utilized in shopping center renovation projects include laminate, vinyl, and rubber flooring as they are ideal for high foot-traffic areas.

HVAC Options

Quality Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for any office space in South Florida. Shopping centers in South Florida generally opt for central air conditioning systems. In the case of a commercial build-out on a pre-existing shopping center, a central AC unit may already be present and fit for modifications. If a retail build-out location does not contain an HVAC system, a variety of options are available.

RCA Contractors know the importance of keeping your workplace comfortable for customers and employees alike, with this in mind, our general contractor, Max, will ensure your HVAC unit is both sustainable and energy efficient.

Security & Emergency Options

Depending on the location of the shopping center, security may or may not be included in the lease/purchase agreement. Shopping complexes offer a variety of services ranging from weekday to nightly security. Pre-existing shopping centers may also have surveillance systems installed in their infrastructure. Another security/safety measure to consider is a fire suppression system. Sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, and fire safe-doors are a few of the factors store-owners should take into consideration when conducting a build-out.

Max Tripodi can help you evaluate all the security measures to consider during an shopping center renovation/construction project such as, installing surveillance cameras, hiring on-site security personnel, and installing alarm systems on accessible store windows and doors.

Miscellaneous Upgrades

Custom millwork, custom metal work, refinishing floors, walls clad in reclaimed wood, masonry/brick work and other current wall finishes and lighting options.

Do You Have A Question About A Shopping Center Build-Out Or Renovation in South Florida?

If you have questions about a shopping center or plaza renovation, then please feel free to contact Max Tripodi, a licensed Florida commercial contractor, at (954) 931-6688. He will be more than happy to answer your questions.

To learn more about Max Tripodi or to learn about some of his past restaurant renovation projects, see Florida General Contractor






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